Lemon essential oil (Citrus Limon) has a fresh citrusy scent that’s bright and uplifting just like the fruit it comes from. It’s a great pick me up when you need that extra boost of energy to get you going in the mornings. There are so many lemon essential oil uses! Let’s look at just a few!
Lemons are used in many culinary dishes to add flavor to make ordinary foods taste extraordinary. The lemons enhance the meals original flavor while adding a tangy flavor of its own. Lemon baked fish or chicken, pies, puddings and cakes are all very popular dishes and it’s also added to a many different types of beverages to enhance the natural flavor. Of course, lemonade is the most popular beverage around that uses lemons as a main ingredient.
The essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the lemons and it has a pale, yellowish color. It’s one of the most popular oils used today in aromatherapy due to its many uses and health benefits, which are discussed below.
Why Is Lemon Oil So Popular?
Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, which helps to boost your immune system. A strong immune system makes it easier for your body to fight off viruses and bacteria that causes the flu, colds and similar health problems. In addition to vitamin C, lemons also contain the following antioxidants:
- Beta-cryptoxanthin
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
- Alpha-carotenes
- Beta-carotenes
Lemons are also a good source of Vitamin A, iron, potassium, vitamin B, copper, folate, pectin and calcium. They also contain citric acid, which is a natural preservative and the lemony scent comes from the compound limonene. These natural ingredients are the reason why lemons are healthy to eat.
Lemon essential oils contain all of these natural ingredients in their purest form, so you can imagine how much stronger the oil is than the fruit. You’re getting the highest form of concentration possible so a few drops will go a long ways. One bottle of lemon oil will normally last for a long time even when you use it often.
Lemon Essential Oil Uses
Lemon oil has many different uses, some of which you may not be aware of. For example, did you know that you can add lemon oil to your wash and dry cycle? The bright citrusy aroma will make your clothes smell fresh and clean when you use it in your laundry. When added to the wash cycle, it will boost the power of your detergent and help to get your clothes cleaner. It works hard to remove odors and lemon oil is even strong enough to cut through tough grease stains.
You can easily make your own lemon scented dryer sheets. It’s so easy and simple to do. Just add a couple of drops to a cloth and place it in the dryer with your laundry. Not only will your clothes smell great but the uplifting scent will help give you a quick boost to get you going in the mornings.
Below are a few more ways to use lemon oil, some of which you may not have heard of before.
Lemon Oil for Skin and Hair Care
Add a little lemon oil to your homemade skin recipes for a fresh, clean complexion. Lemon oil has astringent and detoxifying properties that exfoliate dead skin. Exfoliating leaves your face feeling clean and fresh. When you wash with it daily, it’ll clean, nourish and moisturize your skin leaving your face looking radiant.
Lemon essential oil is used in many skin care products for its rejuvenating abilities that have helped reduce the signs of aging for some people. It also has the ability to help tone and tighten muscles and skin. Sagging skin makes you look older and it contributes to fine lines and wrinkles. By tightening and toning your skin, you eliminate sagging and reduce wrinkles.
Lemon is a main ingredient in some acne products because it can reduce excessive oil that causes acne due to its antiseptic property. Adding a few drops of lemon oil to your facial cream and exfoliating can help your acne clear up on its own. Add two or three drops to your shampoo for shiny, healthy hair. It even has the ability to help some people eliminate and control dandruff and dry scalp.
Lemon essential oil makes an excellent hand cleaner because it’s strong enough to cut through tough grease and grime. It has helped many people soften corns and calluses when used as a foot soak. It can also soothe dry, chapped skin so your feet feel soft and smooth.
CAUTION! Lemon is a phototoxic oil, so if you use it on any exposed skin, you need to stay out of the sun!
Lemon Essential Oil for Oral Hygiene
You may not think about using lemon essential oil for oral hygiene but it actually works very well as a teeth whitener. It works as well as any over-the-counter product for some people and it’s much safer to use. Just add a few drops of lemon oil to your DIY toothpaste recipe for a whiter smile.
Lemon Oil As Insect Repellent
Blend lemon essential oil with eucalyptus and peppermint to make an insect repellent. It’s a natural and safe way to keep the bugs away instead of spraying your body with commercial bug repellents that are filled with harmful chemicals. There’s a lower chance that you’ll have a bad reaction to the homemade spray and it’ll smell a lot better, too.
Lemon Oil for Surface Cleaning
Lemon essential oil is excellent for cleaning all types of surfaces. It’s a natural disinfectant so you can use it to clean and sanitize your whole house. It’s safe, non-toxic and very strong. It also gives your home that bright lemon scent that awakens the senses. Making your own cleaning supplies using essential oils is easy.
Add lemon oil to a spray bottle of pure water, along with a bit of vinegar and you’re ready to start cleaning counters, tables, sinks and all other surfaces within your home. It’s that easy and it works great! You can even use it to clean up sticky messes and crayon marks that kids often leave behind.
You can even use lemon oil cleaners to remove tarnish from silver but you may want to avoid using it on stone or granite because it can scratch these surfaces. In addition to these general uses, lemon oil also has a few health benefits that may help improve your overall quality of life.
Lemon All-Purpose Surface Cleaner Recipe
- ¼ cup white vinegar
- 1 ½ cups distilled water
- 25 drops lemon essential oil
Lemon Essential Oil Uses For Health Benefits
When you don’t feel good, it’s hard to get moving and accomplish your goals. You may get behind schedule and have a hard time staying focused or organized. However, when you’re healthy, you feel good. Getting up in the mornings and running around all day is easier and more enjoyable so you feel more confident.
Lemon oil has the ability to help you feel better mentally, physically and emotionally due to the following properties:
- Anti-infection
- Calming
- Astringent
- Disinfectant
- Antiseptic
- Detoxifying
- Sleep inducing
- Antifungal
These properties are responsible for the following health benefits.
Lemon Oil for Weight Loss
Lemon essential oil is one of the top 5 oils to use for weight loss. The reason it helps you lose weight is that it aids the digestive system by helping it process foods better and by eliminating toxins that are stored in fat cells. You’re naturally healthier and in better shape when your body processes the foods you eat more effectively.
Lemon oil may also suppress your appetite and increase your energy, both of which will help you lose weight much faster than normal. You can use lemon oil for weight loss through inhalation methods, through daily massages or you can take it internally by adding a drop or 2 to your morning beverage. When taking internally, always follow proper safety precautions and dosage.
All Day Fat Burner:
- Just add 2 drops of lemon oil in your water 3x daily to fire up your metabolism!
Use Lemon Oil to Improve Your Emotional State
The lemon’s fresh citrusy aroma helps some people turn those negative feelings into happy, positive thoughts. It has a calming effect that helps to relieve tension, nervousness and anxiety that often lead to negative thinking. When you get rid of these feelings, you naturally feel better and have a brighter outlook on life.
Its uplifting aroma can help restore self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself. When you’re happy with yourself, you naturally feel better and have more energy. You begin looking at things from a different perspective and have a more positive attitude, so building up your self esteem is an important part of being healthy.
Using a diffuser to disperse the oil throughout the room is a great way to create a more positive environment. You can also add a couple drops to your bathwater or use it in a spray bottle as an air freshener to enhance your mood. It will also help relieve mental fatigue, anxiety and depression that cause negative feelings.
Lemon Oil Used to Boost Immune System
Lemon oil is highly concentrated and packed with vitamins so it gives your immune system a big boost. It works by stimulate the production of white blood cells within your body and by improving circulation. Both of these actions give your immune system a boost that helps your body fight off illnesses and diseases better.
Lemon Oil Improves Mental Awareness
Lemon oil helps you focus and it promotes clarity by clearing the mind of distraction. If you’re suffering from fatigue or feel overwhelmed, lemon oil may help. By relieving mental fatigue, anxiety and other negative emotions that keep you confused and worried, you can improve concentration and focus. Many people feel refreshed and have a more positive view on life after inhaling lemon oil. Try diffusing it in your home or office to help increase your productivity.
Stimulating Bath Recipe:
- 10 drops Rosemary essential oil
- 5 drops Basil essential oil
- 5 drops Lemon essential oil
- 2 Tbsp Olive oil
Lemon Oil for Better Sleep
Millions of people suffer from insomnia. If it keeps you awake at night, try using lemon essential oil to help ease your mind so you can rest better. One of the reasons why insomniacs can’t sleep is because there are so many different thoughts running through their head all at once. As soon as you get rid of one thought, two or three more pop up. However, lemon oil may help clear your head so you can fall asleep faster.
Lemon Oil for Respiratory Infections
Inhaling lemon oil will help to clear nasal passages and eliminate the mucus that makes it difficult to breathe. For this reason, many people use it to relieve the symptoms associated with asthma and sinusitis. It may also improve symptoms linked to bronchitis, colds and the flu and help soothe a sore throat that often accompanies these infections.
Lemon Oil Helps Ease Digestive Problems
If you suffer from indigestion, cramps, nausea, vomiting or similar digestive problems, lemon oil may be able to ease your discomfort and make you feel better. This oil has a lot of vitamins that can strengthen your immune system and help your digestive system to function properly. It may even help balance the pH levels in your stomach, which eases constipation.
Lemon Oil for General Health Problems
Lemon essential oil is used to treat a variety of general health problems. Some of these include diabetes, high blood pressure and varicose veins. Gargle with it to ease sore throat pain or use it to clean and disinfect cuts, scrapes and minor abrasions.
Its anti-inflammatory property is excellent for relieving arthritis pain so you can get a around a little better. Lemon also has antiseptic property that can get rid of lice and keep them from coming back. You can even make your own homemade lip balm using lemon essential oil to treat cold sores.
Blending Lemon Oil With Other Essential Oils
Many recipes call for blending different oils together. This makes them more effective and allows you to create unique recipes that suit your particular needs. Blending oils is fairly easy but it does require you to combine oils that complement each other for the best results.
Lemon blends well with the following essential oils:
- Grapefruit
- Orange
- Geranium
- Tea Tree
- Rosemary
- Tangerine
- Rose
- Tarragon
- Sandalwood
- Eucalyptus Radiata
- Bergamot
- Neroli
- Lavender
- Ylang Ylang
The fact that it blends so well with so many other oils along with its amazing scent makes lemon oil a very popular choice in aromatherapy. Before blending or using lemon oil to treat your health problems, learn how to handle it properly. Be aware of any possible side effects and learn how it may interact with any medications that you take.
Lemon Oil Safety Precautions
Lemon essential oil is all natural and safe to use for most people but there are a few things you should be aware of before using. Some people have an allergic reaction when using the oil that causes skin irritation and may even cause a rash. For this reason, always mix essential oils with carrier oils and do a test patch before applying to the skin.
Do not apply anything with lemon oil in it topically and go directly outside. It could cause photosensitivity. Therefore, it’s best to stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours after using it. However, if you have very sensitive skin, you may want to wait even longer.
Keep lemon oil out of reach of children and consult with professionals before using if you’re pregnant, plan to get pregnant or nursing. It’s always best to avoid use altogether if you’re not sure if using lemon or any other essential oil is safe.
Lemon oil has many uses and benefits that range from cleaning kitchen counters to easing digestive problems. It’s a great oil to have when you’re new to aromatherapy because it is used in a wide variety of recipes. Always choose high quality, pure grade oils when buying essential oils to ensure you receive the most benefits.