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(last updated 15th June 2020)
Are you an aspiring health and wellness blogger or website owner lookign to contribute your knowledge with health guest posts? If so, you are in luck as we are currently accepting articles from contributors and guest posters.
Enjoy Natural Health Guest Post Guidelines:
- We can take an article from you on anything to do with natural health and anything essential-oil related is embraced by our audience
- We prefer list style articles eg “top 7 X for X” type articles.
- 700-1500 words
- We prefer article to target a keyword with 200+ monthly search volume in the US (presume you understand keyword research)
- In the article, link out to a minimum of 3 different external resources other than your own
- Link to 1-2 internal articles already on our site
- No exact match anchor text for any links
- Please disclose all links that are sites you own or are working for (we’re cool with self-serving links – that’s the point of guest posting – just like them disclosed)
- Avoid big chunky paragraphs (break them up with H3 sub headings)
- We’ll provide images so no need to send images with the article
Send your article or pitch to and we’ll review and respond as soon as possible, generally within 24 hours.