5 Magnesium Benefits Your Body Needs to Be Healthy

Discover five important magnesium benefits that your body needs to be healthy. Magnesium plays a vital role in helping your body function properly ;)
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Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium benefits may not be something that you think about very often but it is something that could have a profound effect on your health. Magnesium is a very important macro-mineral that the body needs to function properly. It’s a co-factor for over 300 enzymes within the body that regulate various biochemical reactions. These include muscle functions, blood pressure, glucose levels, nerve functions and protein synthesis.

The body contains between 25 to 30 grams of magnesium. About half of that is located in the muscles, fluids and soft tissues within the body and the other half is in the skeletal system. In short, the body will not function correctly without magnesium. In fact, it benefits the body in so many ways that it would be difficult to mention them all but here you’ll find five of the main benefits this micro-mineral provides.

Top Magnesium Benefits

1. Magnesium Promotes Healthy Bones

Magnesium assists with the formation of bones by helping them absorb the calcium they need to be healthy and strong. It also helps activate vitamin D within the kidneys, which also promotes healthy bones. A deficiency in magnesium could lead to a loss in bone volume and strength, resulting in a variety of medical conditions such as osteoporosis. It may even be responsible for poor bone development in children.

2. Magnesium May Help Prevent or Improve Depression

Dr. Richard Cox and Dr. Norman Shealy are neuroscientists that did a study on the connection between magnesium and depression. They discovered that a large percentage of the depressed patients in the study also had low magnesium levels. This indicated that a magnesium deficiency might contribute to depression in some people. You can read more about this study at OAW Health.

Another way to stop depression is to start using essential oils for depression and anxiety.

3. Magnesium Reduces Your Risks for Heart Problems

Magnesium has a major effect on the way your muscles grow, develop and function. Since your heart is a muscular organ, this mineral can reduce your risk of heart disease. It also helps to regulate your blood pressure, which can contribute to heart conditions. Some doctors even prescribe it as a treatment for patients with congestive heart failure because it helps reduce the risk having an abnormal heart rhythm.

4. Magnesium May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Magnesium helps to regulate your body’s blood glucose levels. Therefore, this mineral helps to lower your risks of having type 2 diabetes. If you already have diabetes, a diet rich in magnesium or taking supplements may help you control your symptoms.

5. Magnesium Can Improve PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a real problem for many of women all across the globe. The fatigue, cramps and water retention is enough to make anyone irritable. Magnesium can help improve your mood, increase your energy and it may even help reduce the amount of water your body retains. If you suffer with PMs, you must try this essential oil blend.

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is an essential mineral the body needs to function properly. However, a deficiency in this mineral can be hard to detect especially in the beginning stages. Some of the first signs of magnesium deficiency include headaches, insomnia, fatigue and depression but these problems could also be the result of some other health issue.

There are however, a few classic signs that clearly indicate you may have a magnesium deficiency. These include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Tics
  • Cramps
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Anxiety
  • Lethargy
  • Nausea

Foods That Contain Magnesium

Eating a healthy diet will help ensure that your body is receiving enough magnesium to function properly.

Here are some of the main foods that contain magnesium:

  • Nuts
  • Fish
  • Brown rice
  • Spinach
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Shredded wheat cereal
  • Black beans
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Kidney beans
  • Bananas
  • Dark chocolate

The best way to ensure your body has enough magnesium is to eat a well-balanced diet but you may also get it from supplements. Some essential oils such as peppermint also contain magnesium along with other vital minerals and nutrients.

This mineral plays a vital role in helping your body function properly even though it’s often overlooked. Are you getting enough magnesium in your diet?

Where to Buy Magnesium

The easiest way I know to get your magnesium is by applying magnesium oil to your skin. If you like making your own magnesium oil, you can buy magnesium flakes and mix with equal parts of water, warm up slightly on the stove until dissolved, and store in a glass bottle.

Or, buy it already made. This is one I personally use.

Are you getting enough magnesium in your diet? Discover five important magnesium benefits that your body needs to be healthy.