When I came to this country, many years ago, I LOVED going to the air freshener isle of the store and spending lots of time sniffing every air freshener in sight, wondering which one smelled better. Today, I know better, so I’ll share with you some of my favorite homemade room spray recipes.
For years, I used the commercial air fresheners in my home, not knowing that slowly they were giving me allergies.
2 Empty Blue Glass Spray Misters – 4oz – perfect for homemade room sprays It started by having headaches, without a reason, but soon after, I started actually “tasking” the scents in these commercial air fresheners. What to do? I loved my home smelling good: I could choose flowery smells, fresh smells, fruity smells, and couldn’t imagine losing that.
Until….I discovered essential oils. With these, I could create my own pretty smells, even better than those I bought. I could create my own smells by mixing oils, and then keep what i loved and discard what I didn’t like.
I have several aromatherapy essential oil diffusers, and that’s where I tried my mixtures first. Just add a couple drops of this, a couple drops of that, and no need to waste anything if I wasn’t thrilled with my concoction. Essential oil diffusers, are great, but sometimes you just can’t take your diffuser with you.
For example, if you go on business trips, take a vacation with the family, or even while at work, you might not be able to use a diffuser. But you can take your homemade room spray and freshen up any room. Make any space your own with a spritz now and then.
How To Make Homemade Room Spray
Making your own room spray is very easy. My first room spray was simply water in a glass bottle with several drops of my favorite oils. I still use this method most of the time. But other people mix their water 50/50 with either alcohol or witch hazel, for better evaporation, and then add their oils.Yet others use distilled water. Just do what you want 😉
Like I said: this is easy ;). With a few homemade room spray recipes, you can try a new scent each month (or even every week, if you wish). I have 2 bottles with different scents at all times. And I use one or the other depending on what mood I’m in.
My Favorite Homemade Room Spray Recipes
Lavender Lemongrass Room Spray
Lavender and lemongrass were the very first oils I learned about and purchased. I love getting massages, and when I moved to Virginia, the first massage therapist I used was making her own beauty products with essential oils. She was also using the oils on her patients, and so, over that first year, I experienced lavender and lemongrass oils.
I loved them so much I bought a bottle of each from her. At the time, I had no idea what I’d do with them, but I thoroughly enjoyed the combination of the two oils in my home for years! Here’s my recipe:
- 20 drops of lavender oil
- 15 drops of lemongrass oil
- 2 oz. blue glass bottle (I’m reusing a bottle I purchased with a room freshener many years ago, but Amazon has lots of glass bottles if you don’t have one). It’s best to use a dark colored bottle to preserve the oils.
Shake the mixture before every use and spray to your heart’s content.
Radha Beauty Lavender Essential Oil 4 Oz – 100% Pure & Natural Therapeutic GradeLemongrass Essential Oil From Majestic Pure, Premium Quality Therapeutic Grade, 4 Fl. Oz.
Citrus Room Spray
If you with you could have liquid sunshine at your disposal, this is it! Citrus oils will not only get rid of bad odors, but it will brighten everyone’s mood.
I’d call this recipe either liquid sunshine or good mood spray. I use 15 drops each of the following oils: grapefruit, lemon and bergamot, to a bottle of 3 oz water (or combination water/alcohol). Of course, you can change the oils (add lime, or orange), or the number of drops. Play with the recipe until you find YOUR favorite combination.
Grapefruit (Pink) Essential Oil. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade.doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil 5 mL (5 mL) by doTERRA
NOW Bergamot Oil, 1 ounce
Uplifting and Energizing Room Spray
Some days you just need a pick me up, right? Use this room spray to energize you (or the kids ;)). Spray it in the morning and see how it helps you get ready for your day faster than usual.
- 18 drops of grapefruit oil
- 12 drops of spearmint oil
- 2 oz amber glass bottle filled with water
doTERRA Grapefruit Essential Oil 15 mlSpearmint Essential Oil 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade.
Lavender Room Spray To Help You Relax
It’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed: work, kids, cooking, dishes, laundry, etc. Guess what : you can use this lavender spray to help you relax. It can also help you wind down before bedtime.
- 25 drops lavender oil
- 7 drops of cedarwood
- 2 oz dark colored glass bottle filled with water
Lavender 100% Pure, Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil – 10ml4oz Amber Glass Boston Round Pump Bottles (4 Pack); Great for Lotions, Liquid Soap, Aromatherapy and More
Majestic Pure Cedarwood Essential Oil, 4 fl. oz.
As you can see, room sprays are easy and inexpensive to make. Try making your own blend and enjoy it!
These are all great recipes. I used to get headaches after lighting a highly scented candle! I love making my home smell good, but not the effects on our bodies.