6 Foods That Aid Sleep For Insomniacs

The food you have on your daily menu greatly affects the quality of your sleep. That is why I have prepared for you a list of foods that aid sleep.
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Drink team made from linden flowers to help you sleep better


You have it and it’s wreaking havoc in your life. Make it STOP today by eating these foods.

Most of us, at some point in our lives, struggle with insomnia, whether it appears periodically before important life events, (such as an exam or job interview), or it is a chronic problem. Luckily, there are many ways to help cope with this disturbance, which can cause serious health problems if it continues over a longer time period.

Did you know that there are foods that aid sleep? Yes, that’s right: there are foods that can make you sleep better.Eat, Drink, and Be Rested - The Secret Power of Food and Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep (The Educated Patient Series Book 4)Eat, Drink, and Be Rested – The Secret Power of Food and Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep (The Educated Patient Series Book 4)

6 Foods That Aid Sleep

In addition to physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, and many herbal preparations, there are also some foods that are very valuable in the fight against poor sleep. Here we’ll look at eleven natural foods that will help you sleep better.

Many of these foods are recommended for the late afternoon/early evening hours, so it is best to add them to your menu before you sleep (of course, keeping in mind that you need to have your last meal at least 2 hours before going to sleep).

1. Dairy products can help you have a restful sleep

When I was a child, I remember always drinking a cup of warm milk with honey before bed. My mamma said it will help me sleep better, and I guess she was right. Dairy products contain a substance called Tryptamine (an essential amino acid that increases the level of serotonin and melatonin in the body), which provides quality sleep.

There is one more reason why dairy products are a great solution. They are rich in calcium, which helps your brain make the melatonin in combination with tryptamine. Researchers have shown that people with lower levels of calcium have various sleep disorders. Calcium deficiency is especially associated with difficulty reaching REM phase, i.e. deep sleep.

2. Oats can help you fall sleep faster

Bob's Red Mill Organic Oats Rolled Thick, 16 Ounce (Pack of 4)Bob’s Red Mill Organic Oats Rolled Thick, 16 Ounce (Pack of 4) Most of us eat oats in the form of oatmeal for breakfast, but they are also great for dinner. Oats are an excellent natural source of melatonin, which is usually consumed in pill form because of its ability to regulate the internal biological clock and suggest to your body that it is time for sleep. This food is another natural source of tryptamine, especially in combination with milk.

Beside that, oats are rich in calcium and magnesium, minerals proven to positively influence sleep. Thus it is recommended that you try eating a small portion of oatmeal with milk before you go to sleep. In order to increase the effect, you can add one more nutrient from the following section.

3. Bananas are great before bedtime

If you have night spasms in your muscles, or you feel numbness in your arms and legs, you are probably missing electrolytes like magnesium and potassium, which have a role in encouraging their normal functioning. Luckily, bananas are a great source of both of these minerals, and are recommended not only before sleep, but also after physical exercise, sport, or any harder physical activity.

Beside minerals, bananas also contain the already-mentioned tryptamine that makes them even more effective in fighting against insomnia. There are also interesting results from research conducted at the University of New England in New South Wales. Researchers showed that consumption of one banana per day before sleep can help even those with apnea, a cessation of breathing that can last 10, 20 or 30 seconds, followed by a struggle for breath. According to the research, the ingredients in bananas help prevent the windpipe from narrowing during sleep, decreasing the risk of stifling.

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4. Cherries help you fall asleep faster

Cherries are also in the group of foods that help you sleep. They are not only a rich natural source of melatonin, but also excellent for overall health. It is recommended that you eat a handful of sour cherries or drink one glass of cherry juice before you go to bed. That will help you fall asleep faster and more easily.

5. Linseed helps reduce stress for better sleep

Consumption of linseed (I get mine here) is an ideal way to increase the level of serotonin in the body, because of its high level of tryptamine and omega-3 fatty acids. We have already explained the role of tryptamine, but omega-3 fatty acids are also valuable for aiding sleep. They help decrease anxiety, depression and stress, the leading causes of insomnia. Besides that, they are proven to be very effective in curing sleep apnea.

Linseed is extremely rich in magnesium, which helps decrease stress and provides relaxing effect to nerves and the nervous system. It is also beneficial for fighting restless legs syndrome and nightmares.

6. Drink herbal tea before bed

Chamomile tea has soothing properties, and it is great choice before going to bed. It is famous as one of the best natural calming remedies.

Another tea that works really well is linden tea. Goes perfectly with honey and it’s one of the most relaxing teas I have ever used. Oh, if you have the opportunity to sit under a linden tree, or walk on a linden tree lined street, you’ll be in heaven! Back in my country, I had a linden tree that reached the third floor where I lived and the end of May, beginning of June, I couldn’t get enough of that amazing smell!

Celestial Seasonings Chamomile Herbal Tea, 20 Count (Pack of 6)Celestial Seasonings Chamomile Herbal Tea, 20 Count (Pack of 6)Good Nature Organic Linden Blossom Tea, 1.07 Ounce, 20 tea bagsGood Nature Organic Linden Blossom Tea, 1.07 Ounce, 20 tea bags

With this menu rich in healthy, natural, affordable, and tasty food that also helps you sleep, we only can wish you a pleasant meal and sweet dreams tonight. We are sure you will have both if you start regularly consuming any of these incredible foods that help you sleep.

Do you struggle with insomnia? These foods that aid sleep are a great natural alternative to sleeping pills.