30 AMAZING Uses For Epsom Salts – A Hidden Treasure For Every Home

Comprised of magnesium and sulfate, Epsom salt can be used to relieve muscle pain, treat dry skin, fight illness, in pest control as a foot soak and so much more!
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What is Epsom Salt?

Named for a spring known for its salinity in Surrey, England, Epsom salt is not actually made from salt. Instead, it consists of a pure mineral compound of sulfates and magnesium.

Epsom has long been used to treat a variety of ills, as well as helping with beauty and household needs. Because Epsom salt can be quickly absorbed into the skin, it is an ideal supplement for many different uses.

Epsom salt contains magnesium, which helps to regulate enzymes and nerve function in the body. It can also contribute to deterring the hardening of arteries. Blood clots can also be diminished with the use of Epsom Salts.

Some doctors promote Epsom salts as a deterrent to sudden heart attacks. It also helps heal minor cuts. People have been using this standard household item for hundreds of years and it has found many varied uses for it. Magnesium also aids in the absorption of other minerals and nutrients.

General Benefits of Epsom Salts 

Relaxes and de-stresses the body

Stress can increase the adrenaline found in your body and decreases the magnesium level. Epsom salt that is dissolved in warm water can help your body to absorb magnesium, which produces a calming surge of adrenalin.

Research has shown that if you soak in Epsom salt at least three times a week, you will increase your energy level while decreasing stress. It works in soothing muscle aches and spasms or even in the pain associated with childbirth.

The use of Epsom can help you relax and reduce stress which leads to less anxiety and better moods. It can also help with insomnia.

Directions for an Epsom salt bath:

  • Set aside about 40 minutes for soaking time.
  • Children who weigh less than 60 pounds: Add ½ cup of Epsom
  • Persons weighing 60-100 lbs: Add 1 cup of Epsom Salt
  • Individuals weighing 100-150 pounds: Add 1 ½ cups of Epsom
  • Individuals weighing 150-200 lbs: Add 2 cups of salts
  • Add ½ cup per 50 pounds more. Use a regular-sized bathtub.

Pain relief

Inflammation and suffering can be eased by soaking in Epsom salt or creating a thick paste to apply to abrasions or sore muscles. It has been used to help with muscle strains, sprains, and even migraine headaches.

Helps with many illnesses

Epsom salt is known to increase blood circulation, which aids in the treatment of heart disease and artery problems. It also can lessen the severity of diabetic complications.

Top 30 Uses For Epsom Salt:

  1. Soak feet in dissolved Epsom to prevent or treat athlete’s foot.
  2. You can remove splinters by soaking skin.
  3. Soak feet in Epsom salt three times a day to treat nail fungus.
  4. For bruises and sprains, soak in warm water with 2 cups of Epsom.
  5. Ease Gout by putting 2-3 teaspoons of Epsom salt into water and soaking the joint for about 30 minutes.
  6. Flush medicines and increase pancreas benefits by soaking in Epsom for 30 minutes.
  7. Mix a small amount of Epsom salt with a tablespoon of olive oil to soften skin.
  8. To exfoliate skin, combine a teaspoon of Epsom with your regular cleanser. Apply and massage well. Rinse with fresh water.
  9. To remove blackheads, mix a teaspoon of Epsom with three drops of iodine and boiling water.
  10. Ten minutes of soaking feet in warm water and half a cup of Epsom salt will help foot odor.
  11. Removing hairspray can be done by combining one gallon of water, one cup of Epsom and one cup of lemon juice. Let this solution stand for one day. Apply the mixture to dry hair and then shampoo as usual.
  12. To increase volume in your hair, mix equal amounts of conditioner with Epsom salt in warm water. Leave on your hair for 20 minutes. Rinse well.
  13. To remove excess hair oil: Add six tablespoons of Epsom salt to shampoo for oily hair. Let it set for 20 minutes and rinse well.
  14. For cleaning tiles, mix equal parts of Epsom into dish detergent and apply.
  15. Slug prevention: Sprinkle Epsom salt near walkways or entry.
  16. Mix Epsom salt with baby oil to form a soft cleanser for your hands.
  17. Prevent washing machine buildup by combining Epsom with hot water. Run a cycle as normal to clean the washer.
  18. Sprinkle Epsom salt on houseplants and garden once a week to help plants thrive.
  19. Epsom salt can be used in your garden to get rid of pests.
  20. Sprinkle a small amount of Epsom onto very dirty dishes to safely clean without scratches.
  21. A teaspoon of Epsom in water can help ease constipation but check with a physician first.
  22. Sprinkle Epsom salt on baked on foods in pans to help cleaning.
  23. For bug bites, combine ½ a teaspoon of Epsom Salt with one cup of water to relieve itching.
  24. Children will sleep better if you add a handful of Epsom salt to a bath.
  25. Sunburn relief: Combine one teaspoon of Epsom to warm water; let it cool and use it to aid minor sunburn pain.
  26. You can use two tablespoons of Epsom to lessen the darkness of bruises. Just make a compress and apply it to the affected area.
  27. Help with eye ailments: Combine two teaspoons of Epsom salt to warm water and soak into cloth. Use a cloth to help sties or eye puffiness.
  28. Remove dead skin from your lips by adding sprinkles of Epsom to petroleum jelly to get rid of the unwanted skin.
  29. Revive a dead car battery by mixing an ounce of Epsom with water. Just apply it to the battery.
  30. To keep raccoons and possums away from trash, spread Epsom salt around the perimeter. They don’t like the smell, so this will keep them away.

As you can see, Epsom salt is a safe and natural way to enhance health and to aid in household chores. Whether you use it to soak in for relaxation, or for anything else, Epsom salt is a must-have for the medicine cabinet.

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