Everyone knows the wisdom of combining diet with exercise to lose weight. For those who can’t exercise regularly, however, or are not motivated to be more physically active, you don’t need to lose hope.
Physical exercise is important to health – we should all aim to be more active, but if you are looking for a safe, natural and effective way to lose weight without slaving away in the gym and without starving yourself crazy, read on!
Here are some excellent suggestions on ways to lose weight even without exercise:
How To Lose Weight Without Exercise!
1. Avoid looking at photos of unhealthy food
According to one research study, looking at photos of calorie-rich foods, treats loaded with sugar, or fatty foods can trigger your brain and body to make you want to eat and indulge in cravings. Don’t keep photos of unhealthy food and avoid staring when you come across these pictures.
2. Plan your meals
Deciding on your meals for the next days and preparing the food ahead ensures that you’re choosing healthier alternatives. This decreases the chances of your buying junk food, salty or fatty food on a whim or eating too large portions, which is also more likely to happen when you end up eating out.
3. Know which fats are healthy
There are, in fact, some fats which are considered healthy. Consuming more of these monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as tuna, salmon, nuts, seeds and avocadoes, will make you feel more satisfied and keep you full for longer periods.
4. Eat more protein-rich foods
Replace your carbs with more protein instead because more calories are burned when you eat protein compared to carbs. The protein will also help you feel full, plus it stimulates the body to produce more leptin, the hormone that signals your body when it’s full and it’s time to stop eating.
5. Be aware of your self-talk
When you see foods you should avoid, say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t.” Telling yourself “I can’t” makes you feel deprived and more vulnerable to giving in to your cravings while saying “I don’t” gives you a feeling of control, keeping you motivated.
6. Concentrate on achieving a healthier lifestyle, not just losing weight
If you think too much of losing weight, it may dishearten you after a while especially if you feel that you’re not shedding those pounds fast enough. Instead, look at other indicators such as your waistline, your clothes or before and after photos of yourself and make learning healthier habits a priority.
7. Make the lights at your dining table less bright
Researchers discovered that the lighting in our surroundings during our meals also affects how we eat. When eating under bright lights, we tend to eat a larger amount and more quickly while in dim dining areas, we eat less and more slowly. Adjusting the lights in your dining room to a softer glow will encourage you to control your appetite.
8. Get more sleep
Several studies have already confirmed this. We have a greater tendency to overeat when we lack sleep. It’s not just tiredness and less willpower, hormones that stimulate appetite are also activated so that we eat more. Try to get a minimum of six hours of sleep every night.
9. Instead of other beverages, drink water with your meals
One study concluded that drinking soda and other similar beverages during our meals will make us crave fatty or salty foods. If we stick to water, however, it’s more probable that we eat healthier choices like fruits and vegetables.
10. Drink more water daily
Many times what we interpret as hunger in our bodies may actually be thirst. Instead of automatically reaching for a snack, drink water first and gauge if you’re really hungry. To keep your body hydrated, drink water throughout the day as well, not just during your meals.